Career Services
Prairie Valley SD Career Education Website
- Parents’ Role in Career Planning
- The Career Planning Process
- The High Five Principles
- Saskatchewan Education High School Credit Requirements
- High School Graduation Plan
- Extra Credit Options
- Parent/Student Access to HomeLogic
- Career Cruising
- Career Portfolio Development
- Self-Assessment Inventories
- Essential Skills
- Employable Skills
- The Job Search
Stage One: Prepare a Resume and Cover Letter
Stage Two: Conduct a Job Search<\p>
Stage Three: Prepare for a Job Interview<\p>
- Annual “Local” Career/Job Fairs
- Campus Visits/Open Houses/Tours
- Labour Market Information (LMI)
- Sources of Funding
- Student Savings
- Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP)
- Government Student Loans
- Scholarships/Bursaries
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements/Resources