Grenfell High Scholarships and Awards
SCHOLARSHIPS & BURSARIES - Deadline to Apply April 30th
Access Communications Centennial Scholarship - $200.00
- Student must be attending a post secondary institution
- The recipient will be selected by the Grenfell teaching staff based on the following criteria: community involvement and academic achievement
- Please submit to: Grenfell School Community Council c/o Ms. Emke-Kish
- Cover Letter indicating post secondary plans
- Resume
Agriculture Bursary - Grenfell Agriculture Society - $100.00
- Student must apply for admission to either the College of Agriculture or Vocational Agriculture
- Please submit to: Ruth Duryba, President of Grenfell Agricultural Society, Box 841, Grenfell, SK. S0G 2B0
- Cover Letter – indicating post secondary plans
- Resume
Character Award Plaque
- Students must be attempting to complete Gr. 12 and working to their potential
- Suggestions for choosing: (a) friendliness (b) integrity (c) consideration for others (d) contribution to class spirit
- The award is made available in the hope it will recognize and promote these valuable qualities
- Chosen by Grade 12 students by secret ballot prior to May 30
Citizenship Award Wolseley / Sintaluta Masonic Lodge #10 $100.00
- Awarded to a student who has shown a willingness to co-operate with teachers and administrators and fellow students in all aspects of school work, and also extra-curricular activities. They must show a willingness to help others and to be able to accept failure or success.
- The recipient will be chosen by the Grenfell teaching staff
Class of 1966 Bursary $500.00
- Awarded to a graduating GHCS student who is pursuing post-secondary education at a publicly funded university, college or technical training institute. Proof of registration will be required.
- Bursary is based upon financial need and community involvement.
- Applicants are to apply in writing to Mrs. Wiley outlining their financial need and community involvement.
- School Staff Scholarship Committee will choose recipient.
Education Award - Grenfell High Teaching Staff $100.00
- Granted to each student entering Education
- Please submit to: GHCS Staff – c/o Ms. Emke-Kish
- Cover Letter - indicating post secondary plans
English Award - Joanne Schnurr Plaque/$50.00
- Demonstrates noteworthy growth and achievement in all strands of English Language Arts (both credits of ELA- listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing)
- Student will be chosen by the ELA 30 Teacher
Grade 12 Band Awards - Grenfell Band Parents Association
- Recognition of service in the GHS Band Program
- Students will be selected by the Band Instructor
Grenfell Pioneer Home Auxiliary Award Surgical Scissors
- Recipients will be chosen by the principal
- Please submit to: Grenfell School Community Council c/o Ms. Emke-Kish
- Proof of registration in post secondary education in the degree nursing and practical nursing programs
Grenfell School Reunion Scholarship $300.00
- Criteria: a) student’s personal integrity, b) student’s approach to “school spirit” through their willingness to accept leadership roles and student government for the betterment of the school c) recognizing that achievement in core subjects is important however for this award achievement in fine arts, home economics, industrial arts, information processing, modified or alternate programming, and physical education shall be given priority. The fund shall be administered by PVSD
- Please submit to: Grenfell School Community Council c/o Ms Emke- Kish
- Cover Letter
- Resume
- Recent Transcript of Marks
Humanitarian Award - Grenfell Apostolic Church $100.00
- Awarded to a graduating student from Grenfell High Community School who is planning to take a post-secondary education program, in a humanitarian field, anywhere in Canada, such as: education, nursing, social work, Bible College or any other such field.
- Preference will be given to candidates who demonstrate a strong desire to help and nurture other people
- Consideration will be given for the candidate’s involvement in volunteering, mentorship and special circumstances that demonstrate caring and empathy for others
- Please submit to: Grenfell Apostolic Church c/o Mr. Neil Theisen, Box 141, Grenfell, SK. S0G 2B0
- Cover Letter indicating their program of choice and where it is located
- Also include an overview of your school, community and church involvement
- Recent Transcript of Marks
Hubbard Memorial Bursary-J. Hubbard Memorial Fund $500.00
- Awarded to a deserving student and used towards post-secondary education. Basis of award: a)academic performance, b) need; c) citizenship including school/community involvement, leadership, character reference
- Please submit to: Grenfell School Community Council c/o Ms Emke-Kish
- Cover Letter
- Resume
- Recent Transcript of Marks
Legion Bursary - Legion Branch #55 $200.00 per student to a max of 3 students
- Awarded to Sons/Daughters/ Grandchildren of Veterans of World War II
- Students must be entering their first year of post-secondary studies
$100.00 per student
- Awarded to Sons/Daughters/Grandchildren of Legion Members
- Students must be entering their first year of post-secondary studies
- Please submit to: Vern Hack, Royal Canadian Legion Branch #55, Box 1060, Grenfell SK SOG 2B0
- Cover Letter
- Please include veteran regimental number and unit
Mathematics Award $50.00
- Math to be defined as Math A, B, C with preference to students taking 2 or more math’s
- Selected by Senior Math Teacher
Mr. T's Plumbing and Heating Award $300
- Awarded to a graduating student from Grenfell High Community School entering the plumbing, carpentry or electrical field. The recipient can be entering the trade as an apprentice or as a student in a pre-trade post-secondary program.
- Please submit to: Tracy Throssell, Mr. T's Plumbing and Heating Box 296 Grenfell, SK S0G 2B0
- A three paragraph letter introducing yourself, your hobbies and your interest in the trade you have chosen.
- Resume
- Acceptance letter for a post-secondary pre-trades program or a valid signed apprenticeship contract.
Pioneer Hi-Bred Scholarships $400.00
- Awarded to a student planning to select Agriculture or Science as their area of study at either a four year college or university as well as a two year junior college or technical school
- The recipient must be a grade 12 graduate with a minimum high school average of 70%
- Basis of selection: involvement in extra curricula activities at school, involvement in community activities and causes
- Please submit to: Grenfell School Community Council c/o Ms Emke-Kish
- Cover Letter
- Resume
- Recent Transcript of Marks
PVSD Student Leadership Award -
- The Prairie Valley School Division Board of Education shall provide an engraved plaque to one Grade 12 student from each high school that demonstrates outstanding leadership in learning and life serving the school and / or the community. The student should show leadership in one or more of the following areas: Student leadership council, athletics, other school activities/clubs such as yearbook, music, improv or other school related activities or community activities such as 4H, youth groups etc. The recipient should demonstrate a positive attitude and positive relations with other students, staff and their community.
- The recipient must be a grade 12 graduate at the time of the graduation ceremony. Graduates must apply in writing to the GHCS School Community Council, c/o Ms Emke-Kish prior to March 31 to be considered for this award. The identified student will receive a Prairie Valley School Division Student Leadership plaque to be presented at the Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony. An additional plaque will remain in the school to be displayed and updated annually by engraving the name of the recipient each year.
- Please submit to Grenfell School Community School c/o - Ms. Emke-Kish
- Cover letter
PVTA Education Scholarship – Four amounts - $500.00
- The Prairie Valley Teachers Association shall annually award four amounts of $500 scholarships to PVSD graduates enrolled in first year in the Faculty of Education or a pre-education university program in Saskatchewan.
- Please submit the required documentation to Mrs. Edgar:
- Cover Letter
- Resume
- Recent transcript of marks
- Copy of letter of conditional acceptance from the university
- On a separate document answer the following questions:
- Why are you choosing education as a career?
- List 3 personal strengths which will enable you to become an effective teacher
- Based on your investigation of education as a career, what might be your greatest challenge?
Practical and Applied Arts Award - Grenfell Building Supplies $50.00
- Recognition of contribution/achievement in IA / Home Ec
- Selected by IA / Home Ec Teachers
School Graduate Award - Horizon Credit Union $300.00
- Awarded to a student who demonstrates strong leadership qualities at the school or in the community
- As a volunteer, students should have demonstrated their ability through co-operation and leadership in the school, community or club projects
- Please pick up application form at Horizon Credit Union or school office and drop off completed forms to Horizon Credit Union, Attention: Awards Committee
School Service Award S.R.C Booklets
- To recognize achievement the S.R.C may provide worthy Grade 12 students with booklets of recognition for their contribution to the school in Grade 10-12
Science Award Grenfell Co-op Plaque/$100.00
- Must be taking 2 Sciences. Criteria also includes: marks, scientific attitude in classes and a number of science courses taken
- Selected by Senior Science Teacher
Seed Hawk Inc. Scholarship Fund 2 amounts - $500.00
- Two amounts will be awarded each year from a pool of applicants from the following community high schools: Grenfell, Kipling, Broadview and Whitewood
- First amount awarded to a student entering a college course in the fields of Business, Office Education, Engineering, Welding and Industrial Mechanics
- Second amount awarded to a student entering a university course in Engineering, Agriculture or Business Admin/Commerce
- Please submit to Renette Edgar:
- Cover Letter indicating post secondary plans
- Resume
- On a separate document write a statement on your vision for rural Saskatchewan and how you will help that vision become a reality through your education and employment or entrepreneurial efforts
- Deadline – April 1
T.D. Canada Trust Scholarship - Grenfell T.D. Bank 2 amounts - $100.00
- First amount awarded to a student entering the field of agriculture at a post secondary institution
- Second amount awarded to a student entering a business, accounting, finance field of study, at a post-secondary institution.
- Basis for both awards: a) overall academic performance, b) note: children of bank employees are not eligible
- Please apply to the Grenfell School Community Council
c/o Ms. Emke-Kish
- Cover Letter indicating post secondary plans
Terry Fitzgerald Grade 12 Honor Award - SRC Booklet and Name on Plaque
- Students must receive an overall average of 75% calculated by Academic Proficiency Award criteria: English (2), Social Studies/Economics (1), Science (1), Math (1), plus any 2 other 30 level subjects for a total of 7 credits
- Selected by the Grade 12 Home Room Teacher and Principal
- Marks calculated 2 weeks before Commencement